Is Being SHADOW BANNED Worth It To You?

According to the YouTube channel FsuAtl, he's pretty sure that 75-90% of all Pokemon Go users are spoofing* their way into alternate locations to play and raid and what not. He even plays the game in spoof mode while making his videos. That's pretty flagrant if you ask me, but then again, he also feels pretty sure that Niantic might, at best, shadow ban a user and not totally ban them for breaking the rules because spoofers bring in the money.

For me, I see both sides of this issue.

Niantic wants to keep the game as clean and pure of heart as possible and they've distributed rules that say you will get your ass kicked out of the game for spoofing location.  (OK, I paraphrased for them!)

But then I get wanting to spoof to an alternate location so you have the chance to catch stuff you may never see in your day-to-day life. But this KANTO REGION special that Niantic released helped a lot with seeing Pokemon I normally don't see, so this user appreciates that.

But according to his latest video, FsuAtl says Niantic just doesn't care about spoofers. He also says that even though there are shadow bans going on, which means you can still play the game but won't be able to see or catch legendaries.

Either way...

Some days are pretty boring to me, others, on occassion, are exciting... like the KANTO REGION special that had 2x eggs and more original spawns. I had a focus and chased specific mons that I wanted. And got.

Now, I have full squads (six or more) of


I now have half-squads of a ton of other Pokemon I wanted, but never developed the head of steam to get enough candies or stardust to build the teams like I wanted. I still don't have enough Legendaries or have captured THE Raid Bosses I want because my local Discord group isn't into the same things I am... so there's that. But still...

Thanks to Niantic for thinking this one up!


*I'd love to understand how he knows there 75-90% of all players are spoofers. I'm not dissing what he thinks, but to be honest, I'm going to put it this way: With his mindset, I am going to presume he hangs with other spoofers. It's like smokers hanging out at a smoke store or drinkers hanging out at a bar. If you ask someone at a bar if they drink, most will say yes, hence why I think he thinks what he does.

Footnote: I'm not dissing on FsuAtl... he's got a great channel with lots of up-to-date info. I'm just more of an honorary player and tend not to cheat. Other channels I like are Trainer Tips (Nick), who is more of the traditional mindset of how to play the game and there's LuckyBunz, who doesn't declare one way or the other, but has great 'hot to catch...' videos.
