Niantic, Your ADVENTURE SYNC Rewards Needs Tweaking

Niantic, Your ADVENTURE SYNC Rewards Needs Tweaking

This weekly rewards system you have is a great gesture but a little more thought has to be put into this... like most of your updates.

First, if you go through all the hurdles necessary, folks are complaining on my Bay Area Discord channels that

"I only got one egg reward out of four weeks."

But many are saying that the "Adventure sync rewards are disappointing." As they estimate that your reward system ".. is like 5 pokestops a gift and 1/4 of a free raid pass."

I know you think you can get away with giving trainers weak research rewards and mediocre level Raid Bosses, but the users are noticing the Adventure Sync modes and they feel that the rewards system needs adjusting, because if a trainer is at 40 km for the week, there’s no real incentive to grind it out to click over the 50 Km distance.

There's also mention that folks are finding it tough to actually leave egg slots open for the Monday morning 'reward' distribution.

"It is a lot of trouble to leave two egg spots open to get the best reward currently.  You basically have to stop spinning stops or opening gifts on Sunday or even use adventure sync at the gym."

And that's a huge snag... so do players just STOP playing the game on Sunday up through Monday morning to see if they might or might not get Adventure Sync reward eggs?

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